Designing Intentional Spaces – Distance

Jaime Rabin · October 11, 2023

In this presentation, we will explore the often underestimated influence of intentional environmental design on our overall well-being. We begin by acknowledging the missing piece in the holistic health puzzle, which is the health of our physical environment, especially the spaces we inhabit most frequently. Drawing from research, we discover that the impact of environmental design extends beyond aesthetics and functionality, as shown in studies on hospital design. Furthermore, there is a crucial link between a happy home and a happy life, where a well-designed living space contributes significantly to our overall happiness. Thus, intentional design, incorporating principles from Feng Shui, biophilic, and multisensory design, is a powerful tool for shaping our spaces in alignment with our life and clinical goals. Supporting this statement, we explore the role of intention in influencing our biology and behaviors through the activation of our senses in our environment. We discuss the concepts of neuroplasticity and epigenetics, highlighting how our environment can actively shape our minds, biology, and behaviors.

Moving on to practical application, we’ll explore how intentional design can be applied in one’s home and in clinical settings. We’ll discuss the importance of a central piece of furniture (the “Star of the Space”) and its placement in the Command Position. This concept, rooted in Feng Shui, empowers occupants and has relevance in clinical contexts, particularly when it comes to the positioning of the treatment table. Next, we’ll delve into multisensory design and how each of our five senses can impact the ambiance and experience of a space, whether at home or in a clinical environment. We’ll also introduce the concept of biophilic design, highlighting the benefits of nature-inspired spaces and the Five Elements in Feng Shui (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) and how they can influence interior design, creating specific atmospheres and emotions.

In conclusion, this presentation aims to empower you with the knowledge to harness intentional environmental design to enhance well-being, whether in personal or clinical spaces.

Course Objectives:

  1. Understand the Impact of Environmental Design on Well-Being: Participants will gain an appreciation for the significant influence of intentional environmental design on overall well-being, recognizing its role as a crucial factor in holistic health.
  2. Grasp, in concept and practice, the “Star of the Space” and Command Position: Attendees will define and apply the “Star of the Space” and the Command Position in Feng Shui, gaining practical insights into their importance and application in both home and clinical settings.
  3. Implement Multisensory Design: Learners will explore the role of multisensory elements and Yin and Yang principles in design, understand how each sense impacts space and how to apply in practice.
  4. Integrate Biophilic Design and the Five Elements: Participants will learn how to incorporate principles of biophilic design to create healing and harmonious environments inspired by nature, and understand how to practically apply the Five Elements in Feng Shui (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) to enhance the overall atmosphere and emotional resonance of interior spaces, particularly in clinical settings. The practice of feng shui is analogous to the practice of acupuncture and operates according to the same principles. Just as a patient can be diagnosed as having an imbalance in one or more of the five elements, an environment can be similarly analyzed. Just as you can use color, sound, and odor to rebalance a patient in a five element treatment, you can do the same thing for the environment in which the treatment is taking place. 

HHS 2024 On Demand (37.5 CEU)
