Dec 1st
Day 1
Dec 2nd
Day 2
Dec 3rd
Day 3
8:00-8:30 House Keeping House Keeping House Keeping
8:30-9:30 Plenary Plenary Plenary
The Resonant Universe

Ed Neal

Consciousness Medicine: Understanding the Interplay between Mind, Matter, Energy, and Experience and their role in Health and Healing

Jill Blakeway

The Biofield in Health and Healing

Beverly Rubik

9:30-9:45 break/Q&A break/Q&A break/Q&A
9:45-11:15 Quantifying the Ruler: How Heart Rate Variability Connects Our Cells to The Universe

Mel Hoppel Kopperman

Waking the Dream Body: Working with Field Dynamics in Clinical Practice

Lorie Dechar

The Six Conformations are the Biofield

Sharon Weizenbaum

Energy medicine and how we see it: Explorations into the mechanism of biofield therapies

Helané Wahbeh

Daoist Cosmology: The Spiritual Science

Rory Hiltbrand

Exploring the Electrophysiology of Acupuncture Points and Channels

John Hubacher

11:15-12:15 Plenary Plenary Plenary
Physics, Consciousness, and the Biofield

Menas Kafatos

Integral Chinese medicine

Lonny Jarrett

Dynamic and Anatomic Considerations in the Human Body: Interstitium, Complexity, and Connection

Neil Theise

12:15-1:15 Panel Panel Panel - acupuncture mechanisms
1:15-1:45 Meal break Meal break Meal break
1:45-3:15 The Biofield in Health and Healing

Bill Bengston

Birthing the Tao: The Origins of Life

Randine Lewis

The Body Electric: The Bioelectrical Properties of Cells and Their Influence on Morphology and Disease

Juanita Mathews

Tapping Away Stress: An Experiential Introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques

Dawson Church

PEMF Therapy and Subtle Body: Integrating Ancient Wisdom with Modern Technology

Prana Gogia

The Biophysics of Multidimensionality: Five Practical Lessons in Uniting Heaven and Earth

Jeremy Pulsifer

3:15-3:30 Break Break Break
3:30-5:00 Designing Intentional Spaces

Jaime Rabin

The Biofield in Health and Healing

Darren Starwynn

A Ring Without End: Navigating the Channel System in 內 經Nei Jing and 難經Nan Jing

Z'ev Rosenberg and Stephen Cowan

Consciousness, Nature &Trauma

Yvonne Farrell

A Brief History of Qi: The Ancient Biofield Paradigm of Chinese Medicine and Its Relevance for Healthy Living Today

Heiner Fruehauf

Reiki 1 Attunement and strategies for incorporating Reiki into your practice and life

East Phillips

5:00-5:15 Plenary Plenary Plenary

(Sunday until 5:30)

Day 1 Wrap-up Day 2 Wrap-up Day 3 Wrap-up