Platinum (Maximum 1) Early bird rate $7,997
Regular rate $9,997 after April 30th
– Early Bird Rate $7997 if paid by Tuesday, April 30th
Announce your company as platinum sponsor at the start of each day of the conference
Announce your company as platinum sponsor at the panel talk
One dedicated email sent to our email of 25,000 announcing the symposium and you as platinum exhibitor.
Included in 5 emails in addition to the dedicated email to our email list of 25,000 along with other exhibitors. (In addition to the dedicated email)
Listed as Community Lecture sponsor for months of November December and January
Opportunity to offer two 45 min community lecture to our list of 25,000
1 min video on the HHS website describing your products and services
30 min educational lecture to be included on your HHS exhibitor page
Listed on the Exhibitor page
Listed on home page as platinum sponsor
2 Social media posts