Registration Page for Exhibitors and Sponsors. 
If you have further questions please contact us at or Lorne directly at

Early bird rate expires Tuesday, April 30th

Welcome to the Healthy Horizons Symposium, a premier online event taking place on the weekend of June 8th to 9th, 2024! We are excited to offer you a unique opportunity to connect with our extensive network of acupuncturists, naturopathic and functional medicine doctors, and energy healers which has grown to over 25,000 strong since the inception of Healthy Seminars in 2008. Moreover, our active social media presence ensures that your participation as an exhibitor at the Healthy Horizons Symposium will grant you exceptional exposure.

In designing our exhibitor opportunities, we’ve placed a strong emphasis on delivering excellent value to you. We understand the importance of putting your products and services in front of a highly targeted audience. We have set up opportunities of exhibiting amplifies your presence.

The Benefits of Exhibiting at Healthy Horizon Symposium

  • Exclusivity: To ensure that our exhibitors receive the attention they deserve, we limit the number of exhibitors to a maximum of 10 premium booths. This exclusivity allows us to showcase your brand effectively and prevents overwhelming our audience with too many competing voices.
  • Broad Reach: Your brand and offerings will reach a much larger audience through our email list, social media channels, and the symposium website, benefiting all registered attendees.
  • Cost-Effective: Participating in our online symposium eliminates the expenses associated with air travel, hotels, shipping, and on-site staffing, significantly reducing your investments.
  • Educational Opportunities: As experienced exhibitors ourselves, we understand that education potential customers about your products and services is key.
    Depending on your exhibitor  level you can provide a short recorded lecture on your exhibitor page, which we will actively promote through the conference, email campaigns and social media.
  • Open access: We attract significant amount of traffic to our symposium website. Your exhibitor page and lectures will be accessible to all visitors, and registered attendees, maximizing your exposure.


– Early Bird Rate $7,997 if paid by Tuesday, April 30th

  • Announce your company as a platinum sponsor at the start of each day of the conference
  • Announce your company as a platinum sponsor at the panel talk
  • 4 free passes to access 2 day live event and recordings (eligible for CEU/PDA)
  • One dedicated email sent to our email of 25,000 announcing the symposium and you as a platinum exhibitor.
  • Included in 5 other emails to our email list of 25,000 along with other exhibitors.  (In addition to the dedicated email)
  • Listed as Community Lecture sponsor for the months of May and June
  • Opportunity to offer two 45 min community lecture  to our list of 25,000
  • 1 min video on the HHS website describing your products and services
  • 30 min educational lecture to be included on your HHS exhibitor page
  • Logo listed on the schedule page (the most visited page leading up to the event and will be also during the 2 day online symposium) 
  • Listed on the Exhibitor page
  • Listed on the home page as the platinum sponsor 
  • 2 Social media posts


– Early Bird Rate $5,997 if paid by Tuesday, April 30th

  • Included in 3 emails to our email list of 25,000 along with other exhibitors.
  • 2 free passes to access 2 day live event and recordings (eligible for CEU/PDA)
  • Listed as Community Lecture sponsor for the month of May and June
  • Opportunity to offer one 45 min community lecture to our list of 25,000
  • 1 min video on the HHS website describing your products and services
  • 30 min educational lecture to be included on your HHS exhibitor page
  • Logo listed on the schedule page (the most visited page leading up to the event and will be also during the 2 day online symposium) 
  • Listed on the Exhibitor page
  • 2 social media post


– Early Bird Rate $3,397 if paid by Tuesday, April 30th

  • Included in 2 emails to our email list of 25,000 along with other exhibitors
  • 1 min video on the HHS website describing your products and services
  • 1 free passes to access 2 day live event and recordings (eligible for CEU/PDA)
  • Opportunity to offer a 45 min community lecture  to our list of 25,000
  • 30 min educational lecture to be included on your HHS exhibitor page
  • Listed on the Exhibitor page
  • 1 social media post


– Early Bird Rate $597 if paid by Tuesday, April 30th

  • 50% off 2 day live event & recordings pass (maximum of 2 tickets) (eligible for CEU/PDA)
  • 1 min video on the HHS website describing your products and services
  • 30 min educational lecture to be included on your HHS exhibitor page
  • Listed on the Exhibitor page