
HHS 2024 On Demand


HHS 2024 On-Demand
One year access to complete for CEU/PDA
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Category: Courses: Pre-Symposium Panel: The Connection between the Human Biofield, Consciousness, and Healing, Designing Intentional Spaces – Distance, The Body Electric: The Bioelectrical Properties of Cells and Their Influence on Morphology and Disease – Distance, Tapping Away Stress: An Experiential Introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques – Distance, Research Horizons Panel: Developing Biofield Models for Chinese Medicine, Reiki 1 Attunement and Strategies for Incorporating Reiki into Your Practice and Life – Distance, Quantifying the Ruler: How Heart Rate Variability Connects Our Cells to The Universe – Distance, Physics, Consciousness, and the Biofield – Distance, Energy Medicine and How We See It: Explorations into the Mechanism of Biofield Therapies – Distance, Birthing the Tao: The Origin of Life Seen through the Birth-Death Spectrum – Distance, A Ring Without End: Navigating the Channel System in 內 經Nei Jing and 難經Nan Jing – Distance, A Brief History of Qi: The Ancient Biofield Paradigm of Chinese Medicine and Its Relevance for Healthy Living Today – Distance, The Six Conformations are the Biofield – Distance, Waking the Dream Body: Working with Field Dynamics in Clinical Practice – Distance, The Resonant Universe – Distance, The Quantum Way to Upgrade Your Body and Elevate Your Clinical Results – Distance, The Biophysics of Multidimensionality: Five Practical Lessons in Uniting Heaven and Earth – Distance, The Biofield in Health and Healing – Distance, PEMF Therapy and the Subtle Body: Integrating Ancient Wisdom with Modern Technology – Distance, Integral Chinese Medicine – Distance – June 2024, Going Conventional: Some Recent Experiments in Storing and Scaling Healing – Distance, Exploring the Electrophysiology of Acupuncture Points and Channels – Distance, Dynamic and Anatomic Considerations in the Human Body: Interstitium, Complexity, and Connection – Distance, Daoist Cosmology: The Spiritual Science – Distance, Consciousness, Nature, and Trauma – Distance, Consciousness Medicine: The Interplay between Mind, Matter, Energy, and Experience and Their Role in Health and Healing – Distance